SZW 2024 Announcement

The Post-Landfill Action Network (PLAN) will not be holding a conference this year. We are excited to pivot to focus on regional events with upcoming Beyond Waste Summits in Spring 2025!

Reflecting on Our Transition to a Worker Self-Directed Nonprofit: One Year Later

Reflections from the PLAN Administrative Circle after one year of operating as a Worker Self-Directed Non Profit.


Former interns Alex and Sofia drew on their previous experiences with PLAN to now organize with the global Break Free From Plastic movement.

Who’s Polluting Your College Campus? Breaking Free From Plastic Means We Need to Hold Coca Cola and PepsiCo Accountable

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo want you to believe that individual consumption of single-use plastics is fueling the plastic and climate crisis, when really they are to blame. Read more from Sofia, who wrote this blog post during their internship with PLAN in 2021!

Spring in Full Swing!

PLAN's Spring in Review! We mobilized students for Earth Day actions, hosted our first in-person Beyond Waste Student Summit since 2020, shared solutions through campus visits, began a comprehensive re-release of our digital resources, and celebrated wins like the first campus completing all 3 stages of the Atlas Zero Waste Project.

UT Dallas’ Path to Plastic Free

A Break Free From Plastic case study from the University of Texas, Dallas.

STOP Semester in Review Fall 2023

Our Plastics Campaign Director Young recaps our inaugural event at Marshall University, and how students of the STOP Fellowship converged for a transformational experience.

PLAN's 2023 Wrapped

At the end of 2023, we are recognizing student perseverance, embracing change & growth, and celebrating all of you that have supported us on this journey. This has been a year of transitions and celebrations for PLAN!

Earth Day Action Micro-Grants

Thanks to a partnership with EARTHDAY.ORG, PLAN was able to award $10,000 of micro-grants to 16 campuses across the US for student-led actions around Earth Day. Students hosted clean-ups, petitioned for their campus to break free from plastic, created art pieces, advocated for plastic-free legislature, hosted events like a Sustainability Field Day, and more!

Students for Zero Waste 2023 Recap

Read more about the panels, field trips, and community-building activities during the 2023 Students for Zero Waste Conference at Swarthmore College.

PLAN Becomes a Worker Self-Directed Non-Profit

PLAN is excited to formally announce its transition to a Worker Self-Directed Non-Profit (WSDNP). The transition comes as we celebrate our 10 Year Anniversary in 2023. Learn more about our new structure!

5 Reasons Why The Diversion Metric Does Not Measure Zero Waste

The diversion metric is a flawed tool that should be universally rejected as a measurement for zero waste. While the metric can serve useful as part of a larger data set, it DOES NOT measure a holistic zero waste system. Here’s why!

Atlas Hot Take 1: Infrastructure Change Must Precede Behavior Change

We see countless colleges and universities focusing their resources on educating their student body on the importance of recycling and how to correctly sort their trash, but with no real improvements in diverting trash away from the landfill or decreased contamination rates. Why is this the case?

Atlas Hot Take 2: Why We Don’t Want to Dig Through Your Trash

It isn’t that we think we’re too good to dig through your trash. But waste audits – and the kind of information we get from them – are not a part of the Atlas assessment for a couple of reasons.

Top 10 Zero Waste Campuses in 2021

We are excited to release the first annual list of Top 10 Zero Waste Campuses in the United States (as assessed by PLAN’s Atlas Zero Waste Certification™ Program)!

2023-24 STOP Year in Review

A Year in Review of the 2023-24 STOP Cohort, from our Fellowship Coordinator, Roo.

Goodbyes from PLAN’s Co-Executive Director Team

As we enter an exciting transition to a Worker Self Directed Non-Profit, our outgoing Co-Executive Directors take a moment to reflect and offer personal notes about their time with PLAN.

STOP Fellows Spring 2022 Updates

Fall updates from our 2021-22 Students Taking on Oil & Petrochemicals cohort.

2020-21 STOP Year In Review

Updates from our 2020-21 Students Taking on Oil & Petrochemicals Cohort.

STOP Fellows Fall 2021 Updates

Spring updates from our 2021-22 Students Taking on Oil & Petrochemicals cohort.

STOP Fellows Fall 2022 Reflections

Reflections from our Campaign Director Young about the STOP Fellowship and organizing in areas directly impacted by waste infrastructure,

Testimonials from the 2022-23 STOP Cohort

The Students Taking on Oil & Petrochemicals Fellowship is a paid opportunity for students located in the Ohio River Valley that are interested in learning about and taking action against the petrochemical industry in our region. Learn more about the program in these reflections from previous cohorts of Fellows.